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Best Practices voor een duurzame toekomst
17 februari 2007

World Portraits gives poor people a share in the selling of their portraits

For this cause a special ANP Photo Foundation will be launched next month by the Dutch crown princess Màxima. Anyone who has his or her picture taken will instantly receive a small amount of money (about 10 to 15 Euro). The portrayed person is not a professional model, but an occasional person who will sign a so-called model release contract, thus giving permission to publish his or her portrait. If the picture is sold, this person gets a share of 20 percent. In developing countries the payment will be done through a micro-finance institution. Forty percent of the price will go to the photographer, and another 40 to the Foundation, thus enabling new projects. "The Foundation is not-for-profit", as manager Van Beek explained. By stimulating local photographers and producers to hand in their work, the ANP Photo Foundation hopes to give them a financial impulse too. Bas van Beek: "We already have a local photographer in the slums of Nairobi who works for us." The collection of World Portraits will also contain work of ANP-staff. Like the pictures of Robin Utrecht, winner of the Silver Camera, who portrayed people in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. Other portraits in the collection come from Burkina Faso, Ghana, Senegal, Mongolia, Nigeria, Rumania and Bangladesh. The DOEN Foundation, a Dutch fund that finances projects in the fields of sustainable development, welfare and culture, has contributed a subsidy to facilitate the initiative of ANP. DOEN considers the portrait right as a basic right for people, and looks forward to see this right also applied in developing countries. ANP is the most important news supplier in The Netherlands, providing newspapers, radio, television and the internet with a steady flow of stories and photographs from across the world. P+ Webtip: World Portraits