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13 september 2010

IJsbeer bedankt koper elektrische Nissan

Het reactieforum vliegt sinds enkele dagen alle kanten op. Veel Telegraaf-achtig gescheld dus, en dreigementen en valse beschuldigingen over de vervuiling van de batterijen van de elektrische wagens. Nogal wat reacties bleken zelfs zo grof dat ze werden verwijderd. We selecteren drie quotes die hout snijden.

+ "Isnt most of the electricity in the US from burning coal though"

+ "So lets just give up and die, huh? Any idea how much grid-delivered electricity is hydro, solar or wind sourced around the world? No? Didnt think so. Aware that you could put some panels on your roof (and hopefully works) and charge every day enough to commute and more? No? Why not? Is it because oil and car businesses want you to keep thinking business as usual? No? Then what is it?"

+ "In real like that polar bear would rip his face off. Its kind of funny that Nissan is supporting a green commercial when their automobiles have made oil the most profitable industry in the world. But they are trying to sell cars and there is a market for the green people now."

+ "Nissan has made a number of statements indicating that they are essentially betting the entire company on the idea of developing electric vehicles. Think about it. In the US next year they will produce only 25.000 of these cars. Why do they need a multi million dollar ad campaign to sell 25.000 cars? They do not. The 25.000 are actually already pre-sold. Nissan is setting the stage for the cars that will come after this."

P+ webtip: Nissan Leaf op YouTube