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Best Practices voor een duurzame toekomst
02 februari 2011

Harvard: Alles wat u moet weten over Impact Investing

Dit zijn de praktijkvoorbeelden in het Framework van Harvard:1 US
New Markets Tax Credit: Tax credit for investing in qualified community development vehicles2 US
CDFIFund Program: Certifies and supports a discrete category of community-based financial institutions3 US
Energy Star Program: Certification program identifying energy-efficient products and facilities4 Peru
Multi-fondos: Provides greater flexibility for domestic pension funds to invest in SMEs through private markets5 Brazil
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): Tradable credits for projects that reduce global emissions6 UK
Community Interest Companies: New legal form facilitating investments in for-profit entities with a social purpose7 Netherlands
Green Funds Scheme: Tax credit for investors in certified investment funds targeting environmental projects8 Germany
Feed-in Tariffs (StrEGand EEG): Minimum, mandated prices for renewable energy9 EU
Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas (JESSICA): Capital and guarantees promoting collaborative sustainable development in Europes urban areas10 South Africa
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment: Government procurement favoring black-owned businesses11 Kenya
Microfinance Act: Applies capital requirements and regulatory oversight to depository MFIs in Kenya12 India
Priority Sector Lending: Regulation requiring a fixed percentage of lending in underserved and target markets13 China
National High-Tech R&D (863) Program: Government investment in high-priority economic sectors including for environmental protection and renewable energy14 Japan
Tokyo Cap and Trade Program: Cap on CO2 emissions from offices and factories in Tokyo and a market for trading credits15 Malaysia
Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: Regulation requiring disclosure of corporate social responsibility information by publicly listed companies
16 Australia
National Rental Affordability Scheme: Tax credit for investment in affordable housingP+ webtip: Harvard over Impact Investing