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Best Practices voor een duurzame toekomst
Cas van Arendonk
Cas van Arendonk
11 oktober 2013

Download Closing the Loop 2013: Cas van Arendonk

There are 2 main choices when it comes to ‘circular procurement’, says Cas van Arendonk. Producers can implement a system of ‘Pay per use’ or ‘Buy back’.

Cas van Arendonk presented a Masterclass on Closing the Loop 2013 behalve of the ‘Circal Economy’, as one of the directors of Kirkman Company, a consultancy agency specializing in new business models.

Van Arendonk is optimistic about the implementation, but he mentioned also the obstacles that prevent an rapid transition.

1. Financial
+Major up-front investment costs
+Externalities are not taken into account
+Shareholders with short-term agenda dominate corporate governance

2. Instutional
+ Unlevel playing field created by current institutions
+ Financial governmental incentives support the linear economy
+ Circularity is not effectively integrated in innovation policies

3. Infrastructural
+ Limited application of new business models
+ Lack of an information exchange system
+ Confidentiality and trust issues hamper exchange of information

4. Societal
+ Lack of awareness and sense of urgency
+ GDP does not show the real progress or decline of our society
+ Resistance from powerful stakeholders with large interests in status quo

5. Technological
+ Limited attention for end-of-life phase in current product designs
+ Limited availability and quality of recycling material
+ New challenges to separate the bio- from the technocycle

Download of the PDF of the Presentation of Cas van Arendonk